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vineri, 8 octombrie 2010

Confesiunea unui mic artizan / Little cratfswoman's Confession

Daca cititi aceste randuri, inseamna ca ati avut rabdare sa cautati si sa descoperiti lucrurile care mie imi umplu sufletul si ochii cu bucurie - sper ca imaginile sa va spuna mai mult decat o fac eu.
Initial, am inceput sa lucrez in ideea de a castiga niste bani in plus. Bani nu prea am castigat, in schimb m-a prins "microbul"; abia astept sa ajung acasa si sa incep sa lipesc, sa lacuiesc, sa topesc ceara sau gel si sa incep sa le asamblez. Cand micul obiect este gata, il duc in camera unde am expozitia, aprind lumina si incep sa-l admir. Sper ca nu sunt deplasata cand va spun ca sunt chiar incantata de obiectele realizate.
Prima dragoste a fost pentru lumanari; a venit insa vara si a fost foarte cald, asa incat a trebuit sa ma reorientez - mi s-a parut o idee buna cea a farfuriilor decorative: bucatele de marmura, spartura de sticla, nisip decorativ, sidef, flori si culori. Apoi au aparut si tablouasele pe nisip si marmura si cosurile cu flori.
Acum sunt in faza decorurilor de toamna: cosulete cu ciuperci, mere, pere, ghinde - voi posta in cateva zile si fotografiile (dureaza pana se usuca materialele).
Urmeaza la rand lumanarile si decoratiunile de Craciun, pentru care am atat de multe idei, incat nu stiu ce voi face mai intai.
Oricum, va multumesc tuturor celor care vizitati blogul meu.


If you read these words, then you were patient enough to search and discover the little things that fill my eyes and soul with pure joy - I hope that my pics will tell you more than I can.
I've started my work in order to gain some money. Money didn't come to me as I expected, but instead I suddenly fell inlove with crafts - I cannot wait to get home and start to glue, to paint, to melt wax or jelly wax and to assemble them all. When a little object is ready, I put it in my showroom and admire it. I hope there's nothing wrong with me if I tell you that I'm really really delighted with my work.
My first love was for candles; then suddenly, summer came and it was too hot for melting wax. I had to find something else to do and it seemed to me like a good idea to decorate plates: marble pieces, broken glass, decorative sand, pearl (nacre), flowers and colours. Then, the paintings on sand and marble and the flower baskets also appeared.
Now, I am celebrating the autumn: I have little baskets with mushrooms, apples, pears, acorns - I'll post the pictures in few days (it takes time till the materials dry).
Then, I plan to delve into the Christmas topic - mainly with candles and decorations, but who knows what else I will discover; I have so many ideas that I don't know what to do first.

Until then, happy seasons and warm thanks to all of you for visiting my blog.

Please note that you can compute the price in euro by dividing the price in LEI by 4.


Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Uau! Abia astept sa vad cosuletele cu ciuperci & co... poate imi vinzi si mie unul prin posta.

Salutari de toamna,